Revolutionize Heart Health Care

Introducing ibloom ai - the AI-powered healthtech startup revolutionizing heart health care at home

We develop AIoT devices and first aid solutions for heart health, enabling individuals to control their heart health at home and prevent cardiovascular conditions

Our Products

AIoT Devices
First Aid Solutions
Heart Health Monitoring
person sitting while using laptop computer and green stethoscope near
person sitting while using laptop computer and green stethoscope near
person wearing lavatory gown with green stethoscope on neck using phone while standing
person wearing lavatory gown with green stethoscope on neck using phone while standing
person holding hands
person holding hands
doctor holding red stethoscope
doctor holding red stethoscope

ibloom AI revolutionized heart health management with life-saving AI devices and first aid solutions


person in blue denim jeans with gray and black metal padlock
person in blue denim jeans with gray and black metal padlock

I highly recommend ibloom ai for monitoring heart health at home

people in white shirt holding clear drinking glasses
people in white shirt holding clear drinking glasses

With ibloom ai, I feel secure knowing I can act quickly during heart emergencies

citiscan result hand ok
citiscan result hand ok

ibloom ai's AIoT devices surpassed expectations, boosting confidence in heart health management with their accuracy and reliability

black and silver stethoscope on white surface

Contact Us

Questions? Contact our team for inquiries

+1 123-456-7890

Visit Us


No 552,Tushar Arcade, Outer Ring Road,Nagarbhavi, Bengaluru, 560072


Mon-Fri: 9AM-5PM